PSSC 2024 Annual Specialty

May 24 - 27, 2024

Heart of Illinois Cluster

Memorial Weekend

Interstate Center

Bloomington, IL


The PSSC Specialty will be Sunday, May 26th.

Heartland SSC will support the entry on Saturday and PSSC will support the other 2 shows.

Judge for the Specialty (on Sunday) will be Joan Liebes. Sweeps and Veteran Sweeps will be judged by Kent Meyer.

Other judges are Gary Sparschu on Friday, Eric Liebes on Saturday and Pat Jenkins on Monday.

NOTE: New superintendent this year. The superintendent will be Jack Onofrio Dog Shows and entries close Wednesday, May 8th.

Extra events offered are FastCAT on Saturday and Sunday. Rally is NOT being offered this time. See the premium list for more information.

Our annual informal dinner and raffle will be on Sunday evening at the VFW, about 10 minutes from the show site – thanks again to Barry Conder for his connections there! Because everyone seemed to enjoy the food last year, we plan to use the same caterer again this year. Cost for the dinner is $23 per person. Reservation with payment deadline is May 8th – the show closing date. Reservations must be confirmed with the caterer on May 10th . . . get them sent now! The reservation form is elsewhere in this newsletter.

Send form and money to:

Kathy Koehler
8 Chrisman Lane
Bloomington, IL 61704

Transportation can be arranged for those staying in motorhomes.
Dinner approx. 6 p.m. – definite time announced after judging times are posted.

Menu will be choice of two meats - pulled pork, pulled chicken or beef brisket with a variety of BBQ sauces to add to the meat. Sides will include potato salad, cole slaw and baked beans – plus Texas toast. Our usual desert will be birthday cake to mark the many birthdays that our members are celebrating right around the Specialty time.

Don’t forget the raffle and silent auction! We always have a lot of great things. . . and sometimes the competition for specific items can be pretty intense! Everyone is encouraged to bring items – either doggie or people. We appreciate the great things donated – and look forward to seeing what shows up this year!
Please share this information with anyone who is not a member of PSSC and will not receive this newsletter.
Please plan to join us – even if you don’t have a dog to show, just come and visit with everyone!

If you plan to come and want to set up in the SS grooming area, contact Kathy Koehler with number of tables and crates you will be bringing. (

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Prairieland Standard  Schnauzer Club Specialty

Copyright © prairieland standard schnauzer club.

AKC Licensed